Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Premier Radio Thought on seeking the Holy Spirit

The Spirit of God is poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Saviour so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. Paul writes in Titus 3:6

I’ve come to understand that pouring as something ongoing and not once for all.

Some years back I’d a crisis of faith. God seemed a long way off. I went to talk to a Mirfield monk. ‘Maybe God’s not gone but your vision of him’ was the advice. ‘Seek the Holy Spirit for a vision more to God’s dimensions and less to your own’. I did seek and I did experience the ‘Spirit poured out on (me) richly through Jesus Christ (my) Saviour’. Those personal pronouns are a reminder how bible verses can come alive in our experience.

When we call on the Spirit to refresh our flagging faith we call on the whole of God, especially the work of Jesus Christ our Saviour. Easter and Pentecost are inseparable - the Father sends his Son to die and rise so the Holy Spirit can be poured out. That we are justified by his grace - put into right relation with God - links to both the historical work of Christ and our calling here and now for the gift of the Spirit who makes us heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

How do you see the Holy Spirit? As the shadowy ‘Holy Ghost’, or as a living reality who impacts your life through word, sacrament and prayer building up the assurance and hope spoken of in this passage?

Listen again on Premier Christian Radio’s inspirational breakfast show at

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