God is no Thing Rupert Shortt
Coherent Christianity Hurst 2016
£9.99 ISBN 978-1-84904-637-4 122pp
With all
that contends against Christianity intellectually it’s greatly refreshing to
read a book that’s politely ‘yes, and’ in its engagement with opponents of
faith whilst affirmative of the intellectual coherence and authenticity of
Christianity. We owe this to Rupert Shortt, religion editor of the Times
Literary Supplement whose experience of scrutinising writings about religion
comes well into play in his tackling of over hasty verdicts.
believing artists and writers in the UK are advised to conceal their faith if
they want a following. Such is our local scenario in
which secular humanism predominates the world of ideas with a pretended
neutrality. Meanwhile secularism is losing ground worldwide with three quarters
of humanity professing a religious faith, said to be heading for 80% by 2050.
The world over people evidently see in Christianity a vitality and coherence
that is being lost or obscured in our own culture. Reading Shortt provides Christians
a highly to be recommended tonic in his successful reminder of the main lines
of Christianity, acceptance of humbling critique and his trenchant overturning
of facile objections.
- at its centre, the story of love’s mending of wounded hearts - forms a potent
resource for making sense of our existence. It provides the strongest available
underpinning for values including the sanctity of life, the dignity of the
individual, and human responsibility for the environment. It is the only world
faith apart from Judaism to have weathered the storms of modernity’. This summary
on Christianity is the first brilliant précis of three or four in the book. I
liked this one on the secularist thesis: ‘When Western Christendom was at its
zenith during the Middle Ages, people were overwhelmingly ignorant and
superstitious. Science and other forms of learning wilted. Witches and heretics
were burned at the stake. The achievements of Greece and Rome lay discarded...
The Reformation ... accelerated Christianity’s eclipse. The rebirth of science
was followed by political enlightenment. Western societies reached adulthood;
the theocratic schemes of clerics were kept at bay by the separation of Church
and State. In time, all sensible people will share the outlook of modern men
and women who have ‘come of age’’.
Much of the
book is an engagement with how over simple the latter thesis is, which takes us
repeatedly forward and backward in time, admitting the Church’s failings and
amply illustrating the shortcomings of secularism. I liked the section linked
to the book’s title on how God isn’t actually seen as a thing or any part of reality
in Christian tradition. ‘Herbert McCabe (Catholic Theologian) had a tart
rejoinder to those who imagine that you can add God and the universe together
and make two. ‘Two what?’’ Richard Dawkins is a poor theologian in this sense
since his God or idol is a blown up creature. The answer though to bad theology
isn’t no theology but better theology. We find a good amount of this in ‘God is
no Thing’, as in this succinct answer on God by Rowan Williams to Melvyn Bragg:
‘God is
first and foremost that depth around all things and beyond all things into
which, when I pray, I try to sink. But God is also the activity that comes to me
out of that depth, tells me I’m loved, that opens up a future for me, that
offers transformation I can’t imagine. Very much a mystery but also very much a
presence. Very much a person’.
In another
passage, more geared to encourage mind than heart, Shortt reflects on the
biblically based Magna Carta (1216). That basis has been little noted in the
recent commemoration yet it can be argued that commitment to human rights ‘may
not automatically survive once commitment to the infinite value of every human
life has faded away’. Faith systems, however much they earn criticism, help
preserve such insight. Archbishop John Habgood once warned of society’s being
liable to lose its bearings without ‘a public
frame, a shared faith, which can sharpen vague feelings into prayer and
commitment and action’. This book catalogues impressively commitment from Christians
with these watchwords: ‘the common good, trust, non- discrimination, the
priority of the poor and disadvantaged, and stewardship’.
Shortt says ‘yes’ to Darwin in his quasi-religious reverence for creation,
whilst admitting the status of human beings in Christian faith is challenged by
Darwinian theory. The misuse of power by Christians made Darwin a victim, and
has caused harm through the centuries offsetting much good. Christian shame
over the holocaust shows a coming of age that may one day be replicated in an
Islam ashamed over the behaviour of its extremists. The problem for religion
and for secularism is the tendency to bully rather than reason with one
another. God is to be seen as loving intelligence so that ‘love of the truth
drives us from the world to God, and the truth of love sends us back from God
to the world’ (William of Saint Thierry).
Believing in
Christian truth isn’t something cerebral, contrary to those thinking you build
belief or disbelief by argument. For the author it’s not a matter of thinking
your way into a new way of living but living your way into a new way of
thinking. This reminded me of Austin Farrer’s saying that ‘Faith is the act of
the whole man, doubt of a part’. To believe in the resurrection, for example,
is living out the death of the old self so that the Holy Spirit can bring new
life through the agency of faith. To believe in the cross of Christ - and the
book returns to this again and again - is about making sense of suffering by
the assurance ‘not all that happens is determined by God's plan but that all
that happens is encompassed by his love’ (Vanstone).
As quoted
above from the author of this powerful defence of the Church’s faith:
‘Christianity - at its centre, the story of love’s mending of wounded hearts -
forms a potent resource for making sense of our existence’. As former atheist
A.N.Wilson writes on the book cover: ‘This is a case for Faith which will
trouble the doubting with reason’s light’.
Canon John Twisleton Rector of St Giles, Horsted Keynes 23rd August 2016
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